Past Project

Improving Vocational Education In Total Quality Management By Developing In Company Work Based Learning Techniques (IMVOCED)

IMVOCED Leonardo da Vinci, Luton Business School, UK/00/B/F/PP-129_092.

The project was developing in-company work based learning techniques and was producing a Model TQM Work Based Learning Course and a Model for Training Courses Delivered by Work Based learning.

The IMVOCED was built upon two previous EU funded projects:

The first of these, TEMPUS S-JEP 11025-96 (DILEMA) developed for Slovakian service industries a modular programme of study in TQM using the work based learning and in-company delivery. The materials produced in this project were available only in the Slovak language.

The second project UK 97/2/0085/EA/111.2a/FPC a research and analysis activity funded by LdV, examined the effectiveness and efficiency of training in TQM in three EU countries: UK, Portugal and Finland.
Both of the above projects focus on the needs of industry to improve competitiveness by the introduction, refinement and updating of quality systems.

Developments within the International Standards Organisation suggested that a change in approach would be enforced, building employee training needs analysis, training and training evaluation into the requirements for ISO certification.

The new ISO 9000:2000 series of standards were expected to cover ‘Training awareness and competency,’ requiring organisations to “identify competency needs for personnel performing activities affecting quality” “provide training to satisfy these needs” and “evaluate the effectiveness of the training provided”.

Thus, the proposed activities in IMVOCED were timely and built upon the future imperatives for any organisation wishing to benefit from ISO certification.

Contact Information

Professor Yanqing Duan


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