
Dr Enjie Liu

Book chapters

  • E. Liu, X. Zhao and G. J. Clapworthy, Building Service-Oriented Grid Applications. In: N Bessis (ed.), Grid Technology for Maximizing Collaborative Decision Management and Support: Advancing Effective Virtual Organizations, IGI Global, 2008
  • E. Liu, 3 Chapters in 'Femtocells: Technologies and Deployment', published by Wiley in Jan. 2010, (ISBN: 9780470742983).


Journal/Refereed Conference papers

  1. T Lv, Y Yin, Y Lu, S Yang, E Liu, and G Clapworthy, ‘Physical Detection of Misbehavior in Relay Systems With Unreliable Channel State Information’, IEEE Journal ON Selected Areas in Communications, Year: 2018 , Volume: 36 , Issue 7, Page s: 1517 - 1530, 2018
  2. Elias Eze, Sijing Zhang, Enjie Liu, Joy Eze, Shehu Muhammad ‘Reliable and enhanced cooperative crosslayer medium access control scheme for vehicular communication’ IET networks, ISSN 2047-4954, doi: 10.1049/iet-net.2017.0232,
  3. J Eze, S Zhang, E Liu, E Eze, ‘"Cognitive radio-enabled Internet of Vehicles: a cooperative spectrum sensing and allocation for vehicular communication", IET Networks, 2018, DOI: 10.1049/iet-net.2017.0225, Online ISSN 2047-4962, 2018
  4. C. Fang, E. Liu, and M. Ur Rehman, ‘Analysis of Sub-Channel Correlation in Dual-Polarised MIMO Systems via a Polarisation Diversity Scheme’, accepted by IEEE Transactions on Antenna and Propagations, 2017
  5. H. Wei, Y. Zhao, S. Wu, F. Parvinzamir, Z. Deng, X. Zhao, N. Ersotelos, F. Dong, G. Clapworthy, E. Liu, ‘Topic-aware Visual Citation Tracing via Enhanced Term Weighting for Efficient Literature Retrieval’, Communications in Computer and Information Science, Springer, 2016 (accepted)
  6. Y. Zhao, F. Parvinzamir, S. Wilson, H. Wei, Z. Deng, N. Portokallidis, A. Third, G. Drosatos, E. Liu, F. Dong, V. Marozas, A. Lukosevicius, E.Kaldoudi, and G. Clapworthy, ‘Integrated Visualisation of Wearable Sensor Data and Risk Models for Individualised Health Monitoring and Risk Assessment to Promote Patient Empowerment’, Journal of Visualisation, pp. 19, 2016, Springer
  7. P Yang, D Stankevicius, V Marozas, A Luko拧evici虒us, E Liu, Z Deng, F Dong,  ‘Lifelogging Data Validation Model for Internet of Things enabled Healthcare System’, accepted by IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics: Systems, 2016
  8. E. C. Eze, S. Zhang, E. Liu, and J. C. Eze, "Advances in Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks (VANETs): Challenges and Road-map for Future Development," International Journal of Automation and Computing, Springer, vol. 13, no. 1, p. 1-18, 2016
  9. E Liu, Y Zhao, H Wei, S Roumeliotis, E Kaldoudi, ‘Navigating health literacy using interactive data visualisation’, accepted by IEEE 16th International Conference on BioInformation and BioEngineering, Nov., 2016
  10. E. C. Eze, S. Zhang, E. Liu, N. Emmanuel, and J. C. Eze, " Achieving Timely and Reliable Packets Delivery over Internet of Vehicles (IoVs) for Road Accident Prevention: A Cross-layer Approach," 2047-4962, IET Networks, Vol 5, Issue 5, September 2016, p. 127 – 135, 10.1049/iet-net.2015.0112 , Print ISSN 2047-4954, Online ISSN 2047-4962
  11. Y Zhao, F Parvinzamir, Z Deng, H Wei, X Zhao, E Liu, F Dong, G Clapworthy, A Luko拧evici虒us, V Marozas, E Kaldoudi, ‘MyHealthAvatar and CARRE: Case Studies of Interactive Visualisation for Internet-enabled Sensor-assisted Health Monitoring and Risk Analysis’, 2047-4962, IET Networks, Vol 5, Issue 5, September 2016, p. 114 – 121, 10.1049/iet-net.2015.0113 , Print ISSN 2047-4954, Online ISSN 2047-4962
  12. X Zhao; E Liu; H Q Yu; G J. Clapworthy,  'A linear logic approach to the composition of RESTful web services', International Journal of Web Engineering and Technology, DOI: 10.1504/IJWET.2015.072348, 2015
  13. E C. Eze, S Zhang, E Liu, and J C. Eze. ‘Advances in Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks (VANETs): Challenges and Road-map for Future Development’, International Journal of Automation and Computing, 2015
  14. E. Liu, W. Ren, ‘Performance Analysis of a Generalized and Autonomous DRX Scheme’ IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, doi: 10.1109/TVT.2014.2339315, vol 64 issue 5, 2014
  15. F. Tariq, L. Dooley, B. Allen, A. Poulton, E. Liu, ‘A Cell Range Expansion Framework for Closed Access Femtocell Networks’, Wireless personal Communications, Dec 2014. Springer
  16. X  Zhang ; Z Xiao ; S Babu Mahato; E Liu; B Allen; C Maple, ‘Dynamic user equipment-based hysteresis-adjusting algorithm in LTE femtocell networks’,  IET Communications, Volume 8, Issue 17, 27 November 2014, p. 3050 – 3060
  17. S B Mahato, T Van Do, B Allen, E Liu, J Zhang, ‘Hybrid model for throughput evaluation of orthogonal frequency division multiple access networks’,  IET The Journal of Engineering, doi: 10.1049/joe.2013.0260, Dec., 2013
  18. X. Zhang, E. Liu, Z. Xiao, J. Zhang ‘Dynamic PCI assignment in two–tier Networks Based on Cell Activity Prediction’,  IET Electronic Letters, vol. 49, Issue 24, 2013
  19. E Liu, J. Zhang, W. Ren, ‘An Adaptive and Autonomous Power Saving Scheme for Beyond 3G UE’, IET Communications, vol. 7, issue 7, pp602-610, 2013
  20. A Hu, T Lv, H Gao, Y Lu, and E Liu, ‘Pilot Design for Large-Scale Multi-Cell Multiuser MIMO System’, Accepted by ICC 2013
  21. R Zhou, T Lv, W Long, H Gao, Y Lu and E Liu, ‘ Limited Feedback Schemes Based on Inter-Cell Interference Alighment in Two-Cell Interfering MIMO-MAC’, accepted by ICC 2013
  22. Na Ye, Yinliang Zhao, Xia Zhao, Enjie Liu and Gordon Clapworthy 'Cross-application user modeling based on linked data', ICIC Express Letters ISSN 1881-803X, Volume 6, Number 10(tentative), October 2012
  23. S. J. Zasada , T. Wang , A. Haidar , E. Liu, B. Graf, G. Clapworthy, S. Manos, P. V. Coveney, ‘IMENSE: An e-Infrastructure Environment for Patient Speci铿乧 Multiscale Modelling and Treatment’, Journal of Computational Science, (2011), In Press.
  24. X. Zhao, E. Liu, and G. J. Clapworthy, ‘RESTful Web Service Composition: Extracting a Process Model from Linear Logic Theorem Proving’, submitted to the 7th International Conference on Next Generation Web Services Practices (NWeSP 2011), Salamanca, October, 2011
  25. E. Liu, J. Zhang, W. Ren. ‘Adaptive DRX scheme for beyond 3G mobile handsets’, accepted by IEEE Globecom 2011
  26. E. Liu, J. Zhang, W. Ren, ‘A Counter-Driven Adaptive Sleep Mode Scheme for 802.16e Networks’, Proc of IEEE 73rd Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC 2011), 15-18 May 2011
  27. X Zhao, E Liu, and G. J. Clapworthy, "A two-stage RESTful web service composition method based on Linear Logic," accepted in the 9th European Conference on Web Services (ECOWS'11), Lugano, September 2011
  28. X. Zhao, T. Wang, E. Liu, G. Clapworthy, ‘Web Services in Distributed Information Systems’, International Journal of Distributed Systems and Technologies, Vol 1, No. 1, Jan-Mar, 2010
  29. K. Marias, D. Dionysiou, V. Sakkalis, N. Graf, R. Bohle, P. V. Coveney, S. Wan, A. Folarin, P. Bu¨chler, M. Reyes, G. Clapworthy, E. Liu, J. Sabczynski, T. Bily, A. Roniotis, M. Tsiknakis, E. Kolokotroni, S. Giatili, C. Veith, E. Messe, H. Stenzhorn, Yoo-Jin Kim, S. Zasada, A. Haidar, C. May, S. Bauer, T. Wang, Y. Zhao, M. Karasek, R. Grewer, A. Franz and G. Stamatakos, ‘Clinically driven design of multi-scale cancer models: the ContraCancrum project paradigm’, Interface Focus, doi: 10.1098/refs. 2010.0037
  30. X. Zhao, E. Liu, G. J. Clapworthy, M. Viceconti, D. Testi ‘SOA-based Digital Library Services and Composition in Biomedical Application’, Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, Elsevier, 2010 Sept. 14, PMID: 20846740
  31. S. J. Zasada, S. Manos, T. Wang, E. Liu, P. V. Coveney, G. Clapworthy, ’Towards a Technical Environment for Multiscale Cancer Modelling’ VPH conference, May 14, 2010
  32. D. Lopez-Perez, A. Valcarce, G. De La Roche, E. Liu,   J. Zhang  ‘Access methods to WiMAX femtocells: A downlink system-level case study’, Proc of  11th IEEE Singapore International Conference on Communication Systems, 2008, Nov. 2008, Page(s): 1657 – 1662
  33. K. Yang, Y. Wu, Y. Yang, E. Liu, ‘Policy-based Service-driven Dynamic Planning of Heterogeneous Wireless Networks’, Inderscience Int. Journal of Mobile Network Design and innovation, Vol. 2, No. 1, 2007, Page(s): 67-77
  34. J Schormans, E Liu, R. Stuart, L Cuthbert, ‘Analytical technique or accelerating the Simulation of Packet Networks’, IEE Proceedings of Communications, vol. 150, No. 5, October 2003, pp341-346
  35. J Schormans, E Liu L Cuthbert and G Stoneley, ‘Analytic technique for accelerating simulation of generic network traffic’, IEE Electronic Letters, Vol 35, Dec 1999
  36. E. Liu. J. Schormans, L. Cuthbert, C Phillips, G Stoneley, ‘Fast hybrid simulation with neural network prediction’, World Multiconference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, 23-26, July, 2000, Vol. 7, Computer Science and Engineering Part 1, pp254-258
  37. J Schormans, E Liu, L Cuthbert and J Pitts ‘A hybrid technique for the accelerated simulation of ATM networks and network elements’, ACM Transactions on Modelling and Computer Simulation (TOMACS), vol.11, No. 2, April 2001, pp182-205. 2


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