Industry and Partnerships

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Partnership and Consultancy Working

Find out more about our strong working relationships with colleagues in a range of higher and professional education settings, regionally, nationally and internationally, or contact our Partnership Office to discuss bespoke consultancy, projects, apprenticeships or training activities.

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Share your Industry Expertise

The 台湾六合彩开奖记录 is keen to work closely with industry and the third sector to help shape our offer and our future generations.

Established industry professions and Alumni are invited to contribute their expertise and experience through a variety of initiatives, such as Industry Advisory Boards, Course Advisory activities, Interview Panel memberships or Guests of Honour participation at one of our Graduation ceremonies. So, whether you would like to mentor a student, help with graduate employability, offer your insight on the strategic direction of our faculties and innovative academic content, or advise on our research activities, we would like to hear from you!

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Working with us

The 台湾六合彩开奖记录 understands that organisations require different kinds of support. Whether you need strategic input into your business, or support with developing products, processes and services, the University鈥檚 Business Support team can help.


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During office hours
(Monday-Friday 08:30-17:00)
+44 (0)1234 400 400

Outside office hours
(Campus Watch)
+44 (0)1582 74 39 89



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