
  • Puthussery S (2024) Successful co-production can help tackle inequalities in maternal health outcomes. BMJ.
  • Rana R, Sirwani B, Mohandas S, Kirubakaran R, Puthussery S, Lelijveld N, Kerac M (2024) Effectiveness of Postnatal Maternal or Caregiver Interventions on Outcomes among Infants under Six Months with Growth Faltering: A Systematic Review. Nutrients.

  • Puthussery S, Bayih WA, Brown H, Aborigo RA (2023) Promoting a global culture of respectful maternity care. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth.
  • Sharma E, Puthussery S, Tseng PC, Harden A, Leah LI (2023) Development, acceptability and feasibility of a community-based intervention to increase timely initiation of antenatal care in an area of high ethnic diversity and low socio-economic status in the UK. Midwifery.
  • Sharma E, Tseng PC, Harden A, Li L, Puthussery S (2023) Ethnic minority women鈥檚 experiences of accessing antenatal care in high income European countries: a systematic review. BMC Health Services Research. June;23(1):1-23
  • Ozim CO, Mahendran R, Amalan M, Puthussery S (2023) Prevalence of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) among pregnant women in Nigeria: a systematic review and meta-analysis. BMJ Open
  • Mohandas S, Rana R, Sirwani B, Kirubakaran R, Puthussery S (2023) Effectiveness of Interventions to Manage Difficulties with Breastfeeding for Mothers of Infants under Six Months with Growth Faltering: A Systematic Review Update. Nutrients.
  • Kabeya V, Puthussery S, Furmanski A (2023) Barriers and facilitators to genetic testing for breast and ovarian cancer amongst Black African women in Luton (UK) Journal of Genetic Counseling.
  • Stevenson K, Puthussery S, Teschemacher L, Engelhardt M, Al Munjid R, Castaner MM, Borde T (2023) Strengthening Pathways to High Quality Maternity Care for Migrant Women in Europe: Taking an Equity Lens. Population Medicine Apr 26;5(Supplement)

  • Puthussery S, Tseng Pc, Sharma E, Harden A, Griffiths M, Bamfo J, Li L (2022) Disparities in the timing of antenatal care initiation and associated factors in an ethnically dense maternal cohort with high levels of area deprivation. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth
  • Puthussery S, Puthussery C, Andervad E, Tseng PC, Puthusserry T (2022) Spatial analysis of the association between area deprivation and neonatal outcomes in an ethnically diverse maternal cohort in England: a retrospective cross-sectional study. The Lancet
  • Puthussery S, Tseng Pc, Sharma E, Harden A, Li L (2022) Late antenatal care initiation and neonatal outcomes in an ethnically diverse maternal cohort. European Journal of Public Health
  • Donald L, Davidson R, Murphy S, Hadley A, Puthussery S, Randhawa G (2022) How young, disadvantaged fathers are affected by socioeconomic and relational barriers: a UK-based qualitative study. Families, Relationships and Societies

  • Sharma E, Puthussery S, Tseng Pc, Li L, Harden A, Griffiths M, Bamfo J (2021) Ethnic minority women鈥檚 interactions with antenatal care providers in Europe. European Journal of Public Health
  • Huang MZ, Sun YC, Gau ML, Puthussery S, Kao CH (2021) First-time mothers鈥 experiences of foetal reduction in pregnancy following assisted reproductive technology treatment in Taiwan: a qualitative study. BMC Journal of Health, Population and Nutrition
  • Kabeya V, Puthussery S, Furmanski A (2021) Barriers and facilitators to genetic testing amongst Black African women in the UK. European Journal of Public Health
  • Mistry SK, Das Gupta R, Alam S, Kaur K, Shamim AA, Puthussery S (2021) Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) and adverse pregnancy outcome in South Asia: A systematic review. Endocrinology, Diabetes & Metabolism
  • Cook E J, Powell F C, Ali N, Penn-Jones C, Ochieng B, Constantinou G, Randhawa G (2021) They are kids, let them eat鈥: A qualitative investigation into the parental beliefs and practices of providing a healthy diet for young children among a culturally diverse and deprived population in the UK. Obesity Knowledge and Health Risk Series. The International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
  • Cook E J, Powell F C, Ali N, Penn-Jones C, Ochieng B, Randhawa G (2021) Improving support for breastfeeding mothers: a qualitative study on the experiences of breastfeeding among mothers who reside in a deprived and culturally diverse community. (Breastfeeding Series). International Journal for Equity in Health, 20(1), 1-14.
  • Rana R, Kirubakaran R, Puthussery S, Lelijveld N, Kerac M, Sirwani B, Choudhury P (2021). Effectiveness of postnatal maternal or caregiver interventions on outcomes among infants under six months with growth faltering. PROSPERO 2021 CRD42021276022
  • Sharma E, Tseng Pc, Puthussery S, Li L, Harden A, Griffiths M, Bamfo J (2021) Ethnic minority women鈥檚 experiences of accessing antenatal care in high income European countries: a meta-synthesis of qualitative studies. PROSPERO 2021 CRD42021238115

  • Ozim C, Mahendran R, Amalan M, Puthussery S (2020) Prevalence of Human Immunodeficiency Virus among pregnant women in Nigeria. European Journal of Public Health
  • Huang MZ, Chen LL, Hung SL, Puthussery S (2020) Women鈥檚 experiences of living with albinism in Taiwan and perspectives on reproductive decision making: A qualitative study. Disability & Society
  • Garcia R, Ali N, Guppy A, Griffiths M & Randhawa G (2020) Analysis of routinely collected data: Determining associations of maternal risk factors and infant outcomes with gestational diabetes, in Pakistani, Indian, Bangladeshi and white British pregnant women in Luton, England. Journal of Midwifery
  • Cook E, Powell F, Ali N, Penn-Jones C, Ochieng B, Randhawa G (2020) Parents鈥 experiences of complementary feeding among a United Kingdom culturally diverse and deprived community. Journal of Maternal & Child Nutrition
  • Garcia R, Ali N, Griffiths M & Randhawa G (2020) A qualitative study exploring the experiences of bereavement after stillbirth in Pakistani, Bangladeshi and White British mothers living in Luton, UK. Journal of Midwifery
  • Davidson R & Randhawa G (2020) The Sign 4 Little Talkers Intervention to improve listening, understanding, speaking and behavior in Hearing among Pre-School children: Outcome Evaluation. JMIR Pediatrics & Parenting. doi:
  • Garcia R, Ali N, Guppy A, Griffiths M & Randhawa G (2020) Ethnic differences in risk factors for adverse birth outcomes between Pakistani, Bangladeshi and White British mothers. Journal of Advanced Nursing
  • Hassan S, Leavey C, Rooney J, Puthussery S (2020) A qualitative study of healthcare professionals鈥 experiences of providing maternity services for Muslim women in the UK. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth

  • Puthussery S, Li L, Tseng Pc, Kilby L, Kapadia J, Puthusserry T, Thind A (2019) Ethnic variations in risk of preterm birth in an ethnically dense socially disadvantaged area in the United Kingdom: a retrospective cross sectional study. BMJ Open
  • Mahendran R, Puthussery S, Mahendran A (2019) Prevalence of ante-natal depression in South Asia: a systematic review and meta-analysis. BMJ Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health
  • Orpin J, Puthussery S, Burden B (2019) Health care providers鈥 perspectives of disrespect and abuse in maternity care facilities in Nigeria. International Journal of Public Health 64:1291鈥1299
  • Puthussery S, Tseng Pc, Li L, Puthusserry T (2019) Antenatal care initiation in an ethnically dense socially disadvantaged maternal cohort. European Journal of Public Health, Volume 29, Issue Supplement_4, November 2019, ckz186.143
  • Huang MZ, Zun YC, Gau ML, Puthussery S, Kao CH (2019) First-time mothers鈥 experiences of pregnancy and birth following assisted reproductive technology treatment in Taiwan. BMC Journal of Health, Population and Nutrition
  • Huang MZ, Kao CH, Lin KC, Hwang JL, Puthussery S, Gau ML (2019) Psychological health of women who have conceived using assisted reproductive technology in Taiwan: findings from a longitudinal study. BMC Women's Health 19:97

  • Puthussery S, Chutiyami M, Tseng Pc, Kilby L, Kapadia J (2018) Effectiveness of early intervention programs for parents of preterm infants: a meta-review of systematic reviews. BMC Pediatrics
  • Orpin J, Puthussery S, Davidson R, Burden B (2018) Women鈥檚 experiences of disrespect and abuse in maternity care facilities in Benue State, Nigeria. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth
  • Major P, Puthussery S, Pappas Y (2018) Attitudes and perceptions of pregnant women towards the use of Anti-Retroviral Therapy in Nigeria. Women and Birth Link here
  • Puthussery S, Tseng Pc, Li L, Puthusserry T (2018) A retrospective analysis of variations in antenatal care initiation in an ethnically diverse maternal population in the UK. European Journal of Public Health 28 suppl_1 cky047. 141
  • Garcia R.L, Ali N, Griffiths M, Randhawa G (2018) Understanding the consumption of folic acid during preconception, among Pakistani, Bangladeshi and White British mothers in Luton, UK: A qualitative study. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth
  • Hadley A (2018).Teenage pregnancy: strategies for prevention. Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Medicine
  • Menon K, Puthussery S, Ravalia A, Panchal P, Rana R, Mistry S, Tseng P, Bhandol J, Mavalankar D (2018) Effectiveness of nutrition interventions in low and middle income countries: An evidence summary. DFID Commissioned Review. Public Health Foundation of India, 台湾六合彩开奖记录 UK and BRAC Bangladesh
  • Public Health England and Local Government Association (2018) Teenage Pregnancy Prevention Framework: supporting young people to prevent unplanned pregnancy and develop healthy relationships

  • Orpin J, Papadopoulos C, Puthussery S (2017) Prevalence of domestic violence among pregnant women in Nigeria: a systematic review Trauma, Violence, & Abuse
  • Garcia R.L, Ali N, Guppy A, Randhawa G, Griffiths M (2017) Differences in the pregnancy gestation period and birth weights in infants born to Indian, Pakistani, Bangladeshi and white British mothers in Luton: a retrospective analysis of routinely collected data. BMJ Open
  • Garcia R, Ali N, Guppy A, Griffiths M, Randhawa G (2017) A comparison of antenatal classifications of 鈥渙verweight鈥 and 鈥渙besity鈥 prevalence between white British, Indian, Pakistani and Bangladeshi pregnant women in England. An analysis of retrospective data. BMC Public Health
  • Hadley A, Ingham I, Venkatraman C-M (2017) Teenage pregnancy and young parenthood: effective policy and practice. Adolescence and Society Series. Routledge.
  • Burden B, Willetts A (2017) Fetal Skull, in MacDonald S & Johnson G, Mayes鈥 Midwifery 15th Edition, Elsevier. London, Chapter 30: pp 467 鈥 482
  • Burden B, Brooke-Read M (2017) Preconception Care, in MacDonald S & Johnson G, Mayes鈥 Midwifery 15th Edition, Elsevier. London, Chapter 20 pp 303 鈥 317
  • Burden B, Perry V (2017) Anatomy of Male and Female Reproduction, in MacDonald S & Johnson G, Mayes鈥 Midwifery 15th Edition, Elsevier. London, Chapter 24 pp 358 鈥 377
  • Burden B, Preston-Shoot M (2017) Legal Frameworks for the Care of the Child, in MacDonald S & Johnson G, Mayes鈥 Midwifery 15th Edition, Elsevier. London, Chapter 15 pp 219 鈥 233

  • Puthussery S (2016) Perinatal outcomes among migrant mothers in the United Kingdom: is it a matter of biology, behaviour, policy, social determinants or access to health care? Best Practice & Research Clinical Obstetrics & Gynecology
  • Tseng Pc, Puthussery S, Pappas Y (2016) Acceptability and effectiveness of multi-media delivery of an exercise programme among postpartum women with lumbo pelvic pain in Taiwan. ISRCTN Registry Trial ID ISRCTN51146251
  • Hadley A, Ingham I, Venkatraman C-M (2016) Implementing the UK Government's ten year teenage pregnancy strategy for England (1999-2010): how was this done and what did it achieve? Reproductive Health
  • Hadley A, Venkatraman C-M, Ingham I (2016). Implementing the United Kingdom Government's 10-Year Teenage Pregnancy Strategy for England (1999鈥2010): Applicable Lessons for Other Countries. Journal of Adolescent Health
  • Hadley A (2016) Teenage Pregnancy: great progress but no room for complacency. British Journal of Midwifery
  • Mavalankar D, Puthussery S, Menon K, Rana R, Bhandol J, Mistry S, Ravalia A, Tseng P (2016) Effectiveness of nutrition interventions in low and middle income countries: An evidence summary. Protocol. London: EPPI-Centre, Social Science Research Unit, UCL Institute of Education, University College London
  • Public Health England and Local Government Association (2016) A Framework for supporting teenage mothers and young fathers

  • Tseng PC, Puthussery S, Pappas Y, Gau ML (2015) A systematic review of Randomised Controlled Trials on the effectiveness of exercise programs on Lumbo Pelvic Pain among postnatal women. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth
  • Garcia R, Ali N, Papadopoulos C, Randhawa G (2015) Specific antenatal interventions for Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) pregnant women at high risk of poor birth outcomes in the United Kingdom: a scoping review. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth
  • Ajaz M, Ali N, Randhawa G (2015) UK Pakistani views on the adverse health risks associated with consanguineous marriages Journal of Community Genetics

  • Ali N, Ajaz M, Randhawa G (2014) Risk factors for congenital anomalies. Eyes on Evidence
  • Ali N, McLean C, Rehman H (2012) Faulty genes: consanguinity in the Pakistani community, Ethnicity and Inequalities in Health and Social Care
  • Twamley K, Puthussery S, Harding S, Baron M, Macfarlane A (2011) UK born ethnic minority women and their experiences of feeding their new-born baby. Midwifery
  • Puthussery S, Twamley K, Macfarlane A, Harding S, Baron M (2010) 鈥榊ou need that loving tender care鈥 : maternity care experiences and expectations of ethnic minority women born in the United Kingdom. Journal of Health Services Research and Policy

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