Nicole Raffermati

MSc by Research Student

Nicole RaffermatiCourse Start: October 2018

Supervisor: Dr Jeffrey Aldous
Supervisor 2: Dr Andrew Mitchell
Supervisor 3:

Working thesis title

STUDY ONE: Evaluate the reliability and validity compared to match-play data of an adapted a 120 min non-motorised treadmill-based soccer-specific simulation (Intermittent Soccer Performance Test 120: iSPT120)

STUDY TWO: Evaluate the effects high ambient temperatures (HOT: 35 oC; 50% rH) have on physical performance following 120 min of simulated soccer performance compared with a temperate environment (CON: 18 oC; 50% rH)

Research Questions

  • The Reliability and Validity of a 120 min non-motorised treadmill-based soccer-specific simulation (Intermittent Soccer Performance Test 120: iSPT120)
  • The effect high ambient temperatures (HOT: 35 oC; 50% rH) have on physical performance following 120 min of simulated soccer performance compared with a temperate environment (CON: 18 oC; 50% rH)]

About Me

After graduating in July 2018 with a First-Class Honours Degree in Sport Science and Coaching (BSc), I knew that my academic journey had just started as my thirst for knowledge could not be satisfied.

I decided that a Research MSc would be most beneficial for myself as I wanted to expand my knowledge and widen my research area whilst focusing specifically on environmental physiology, in the hopes to one day become an expert in this field.

Contact Information



Institute for Sport & Physical Activity Research
Pollhill Avenue
MK41 9EA
