Volume 5 Issue 1 - March 2015



Open Futures: An enquiry- and skills- based educational programme developed for primary education and its use in tertiary education by M. James C. Crabbe, Lucy O'Rorke, Eammon Egan and Ali Hadawi
Download paper in  - PDF 219.9 KB


The learning approaches of A Level History and Geography students analysed: a Report from a Sixth Form College by David William Stoten
Download paper in  - PDF 271.4 KB


'So, you want us to do the marking?!' - peer review and feedback to promote assessment as learning by Caroline Elbra-Ramsay and Anita Backhouse
Download paper in - PDF 312.3 KB  

Book Reviews

'The Architecture of Productive Learning Networks by Lucila Carvalho and Peter Goodyear (Eds.)' Review by Kathy-Ann Daniel-Gittens
Download review in - PDF 140.2 KB  

'A Dictionary of Research Concepts and Issues by Dan Remeyni' Review by Peter Norrington
Download review in  - PDF 130.8 KB

'Writing in Social Spaces: A social processes approach to academic writing by Rowena Murray' Review by Mary Malcolm
Download review in - PDF 138.6 KB  


Key Pedagogic Thinkers: Arlie Russell Hochschild by David Mathew
Download article in - PDF 174.2 KB


I am not a superhero but I do have secret weapons! Using technology in Higher Education teaching to redress the power balance by Michelle Blackburn
Download paper in  - PDF 231.0 KB


Teaching Programming with Computational and Informational Thinking by Greg Michaelson
Download paper in - PDF 308.2 KB


Raising Awareness of Diversity and Social (In)justice Issues in Undergraduate Research Writing: Understanding Students and their Lives via Connecting Teaching and Research by Gloria Park
Download paper in - PDF 194.5 KB  


Telling timber tales in Higher Education: A reflection on my journey with digital storytelling by Victoria Barnes
Download paper in - PDF 371.2 KB


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