
The journey so far

The vision to create a global networking association was developed by four MBA students:

  • Siti Aishah Md Selemat (MBA IT)
  • Samson Oluseye Ojo (MBA Health)
  • Nitisha Veer (MBA IT)
  • Mohammed Taher Sahibi (MBA HR)

(Three of these students are among the graduates achieving an MBA with Distinction in 2015.)

They received funding through the Vice Chancellor STEPs (Students Experience Projects) platform where students bid for the development of their ideas to senior management of the University.

2017 team

  • Akansha Jadon (MBA Health)
  • Mathuranthaki Yogendran (MBA
  • Martina Agena (MBA HR)
  • Waseem Abdul Rauf (MBA General)

2016 team

  • Augustine Imo (MBA General)
  • Hassan Khalid (MBA General)
  • Gladys Yinusa (MBA Health)
  • Nivea Kothiya (MBA IT)

The new group emerged after winning a 'Dragons’ Den Pitch' to continue the vision of connecting and networking students.

The UoB-MBA Global Networking Association  launch was on 18 February 2016

This event and other fun-filled activities aimed at networking and enhancing students' experience are to be organised by the Global Networking Association.


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